1. Select the timeframe and quantity amounts and click "View Purchase History".
  2. Type in a part number and click "Find Purchase History".
  3. If you use "View Purchase History", you will have the option to view charts based on the resulting data by clicking the "Show Charts" button.
  4. You can switch between between the Summary Chart and a Total Spent Chart using the buttons at the top of the chart.
  5. You can zoom in and out of the Summary Chart using the provided buttons.  The default zoom level is zoomed out enough to view all of the data for the criteria you selected.  Zooming in brings the categories with lower numbers of invoices, and lower dollar amounts into focus.
  6. The Reset Zoom button will reset the zoom to it’s default zoom level.
  7. The Hide Charts button will close the the charts window.
  8. Clicking on Number of Invoices or Total Spent, respectively, will remove them from the bar chart.
  9. Hovering over the bars in the chart will give you the number of invoices or total dollars spent for the category you hovered over.  Clicking on the bars will take you to a month by month summary of the category you clicked.
  10. The summary also shows you the dollar amount and number of invoices for all items that met your criteria, but weren’t in categories.
  11. Clicking the Item Code will take you to that item on the website.
  12. Clicking "View History" will show your Item Purchase History.