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VESTA Co-Op Program
Your VESTA Co-Op account amount is replenished at the beginning of each year. Your totals are based on your VESTA-qualifying purchases in 2024. Your Co-Op funds are available from Jan. 2 - Dec. 31; however, all Co-Op Requests must be submitted no later than Nov. 28th. This allows us time to review any necessary drafts, confirm the project meets qualifying criteria, and for you to re-submit any required changes. Your advertising project does not need to be completed by Nov. 28th; it only needs to be submitted for request.
Any available funds that are not spent do not accumulate to the benefit of the dealer. Any Co-Op funds not spent in the current year are forfeited per the terms of the Co-Op policy. As a reminder, Co-Op is paid as an account credit to your company. The credit will show in a few days after submission of the request form, a project draft, and a copy of the invoice.
VESTA-branded apparel and literature are all covered at 100% up to the number of Co-Op funds you have available. To purchase these items with Co-Op, work through your Sales Representative. A request form and copy of the invoice are still necessary for our records and to begin allocating an account credit. If needed, your representative can help you place the order.
Listed below are a few examples of how VESTA dealers have been using the program. Co-Op usage is not limited to these examples. If you have an idea of how you’d like to utilize Co-Op to promote VESTA, let us know. We can review your idea together!
- Vehicle wraps were very popular this past year. When submitting a request for a vehicle wrap, be sure to send a draft before having your vehicle wrapped.
- Radio spots are also a good way of advertising VESTA products. When producing a radio spot, send in a copy of the script with your request form, so we can approve it.
- In the past, billboards were a popular request. Have your designer send a pdf draft of the design for us to approve.
- Home shows and county fairs have always been a great way to use Co-Op funds.
- Tabletop banners, pull-up stands, and table drapes have been another choice.
Again, be sure to send us a draft of your designs for approval along with your request form and invoice.
If you have any questions about the Co-Op program or your available Co-Op funds, please feel free to email DeVon Miller at or call 800.362.9686 Ext. 1812.
Advertising is one of the most important keys to success. VESTA®’s Co-Op program helps you achieve the desired level of success. The program provides VESTA dealers with the tools and funds to advertise, promote, or co-brand their store with VESTA.
Annual Allowance
Co-Op funds will accrue throughout the year and will be available for use in that same year. The year runs from Jan. 2 to Dec. 31, and your final Co-Op request must be submitted no later than Nov. 28. Requests must follow the program below. At the start of the next calendar year, your Co-Op funds will be achieved following the Co-Op Program below.
- VESTA dealers are eligible for Co-Op funds totaling 2% of their previous years' total VESTA branded sales. Funds are available from Jan. 2 to Dec. 31. Co-Op requests must be submitted no later than Nov. 28.
- VESTA-branded products include residential and commercial softeners, filters, conditioners, UV systems, and reverse osmosis drinking water systems.
- Funds may be used at any time during the year up to the amount available in the fund.
- All Co-Op funding requests must be received by November 28 to be used within the present year.
- Available funds that are not spent as described above do not accumulate to the dealer's benefit. Any Co-Op funds that are not spent in the current year are forfeited, as per the terms of this policy.
- Available funds will be forfeited if either the dealer or Nelsen cancels the VESTA contract.
- Co-Op funds will be paid as an account credit to the VESTA dealer after Nelsen receives a copy of the paid invoice.
- Co-Op funds will be used, when requested by the VESTA dealer to do so, on advertising materials ordered or produced by Nelsen for products other than what is already available. The VESTA dealer will be invoiced the cost of the item less the applicable Co-Op amount.
- VESTA-branded literature, apparel, and banners will be fully covered at 100% using available Co-Op funds. To receive an account credit, send DeVon Miller,, the Request Form and a copy of the invoice.
- Co-Op funds will be split on a 50/50 basis per qualified promotion or advertising request. 50% of payment will be used from available Co-Op funds and 50% will be the responsibility of the VESTA dealer.
Your product purchases for the previous year totaled $20,000.00. This means you earned $400.00 in
Co-Op funds. You run an ad that equally promotes your store and VESTA® and costs $500.00.
Your Co-Op funds will cover 50% ($250.00) of the ad's cost. You will be responsible for the remaining $250.00. ($250.00 will be deducted from your available Co-Op funds.)
At this time, you will have $150.00 in Co-Op funds remaining.Eligibility
In order to participate in the program, the VESTA dealers' account balance must be current and in good standing when the cooperative advertising claim is submitted for payment.Qualifying Materials & Merchandise
- Trade publications, periodicals, mailers, sales displays, vehicle wraps, door hangers, signage, production costs of Co-Op materials, and trade show booths usually qualify. Additional items may qualify, but please check with Nelsen Marketing.
- Pre-Approval for Co-Op Funding
- All Co-Op promotional or advertising activity requests must be pre-approved to be considered for funding. In order to obtain pre-approval for your Co-Op activity, return the completed Co-Op Request Form by email with the specifics of your promotional or advertising activity to Included in the form is the following:
- Date
- Type of request, Advertisement, Promotional Activity, Display, etc.
- Date of Advertisement or Promotional Run
- Copy of Ad(s) or materials
- Invoice from Vendor Noting Cost of activity
- Authorized dealer contact
- Dealer name and account number
Not Eligible For Co-Op Funding: Advertising agency fees, program sponsorships, ads with non-qualifying merchandise may not be eligible for Co-Op funding.
- Nelsen must pre-approve All advertising and promotional plans before placement or implementation. This holds true of advertising that had been approved for Co-Op in the past that you are reusing for circulation. The proposed advertisement or outline of the promotional program and Request Form must be forwarded directly to the Nelsen Corporation, Attention Ken Luna, 5151 Portside Dr., Medina, OH 44256, at least two (2) weeks prior to ad placement or scheduled activity to ensure there is adequate time to review the request. We will ensure that the information submitted is forwarded to your assigned regional sales manager so he is made aware of the proposed plan. We will let you know when a proposed activity is received and if it is approved or denied with reasoning why and what can be modified to become eligible. You can submit the advertising or promotional plans by mail, fax (888-544-8780), or e-mail to (
- Advertisements and promotional events must be primarily dedicated to promoting the household and commercial products sold by Nelsen. All advertisements submitted for funding must be at least seventy-five percent (75%) devoted to water treatment products and must conspicuously mention the VESTA brand in or on the advertisement. Any offer or mention of any water treatment products manufactured or distributed by any other company in either name, service mark, or trademark will not be deemed eligible for Co-Op funds. Other non-water related products may be mentioned or offered in the advertisement but must be conspicuously subordinate to the water treatment products being promoted for sale or lease.
- All requests for funding must be forwarded to Nelsen no later than 90 days from the date of placement or by November 28th, whichever comes first.
- Ads cannot be changed in any manner subsequent to final approval.
- All registered trademarks (®) of our company must be used appropriately when the use of the mark is required (e.g., VESTA®, AIO®).
Advertising and Ethics Standards
A VESTA® dealer is not required to be a member of the Water Quality Association® (WQA). We highly recommend you join the organization to take advantage of the benefits the WQA offers. The WQA has more than 2,500 company members worldwide, including approximately 600 manufacturer/supplier companies, 1,700 dealers, and 200 allied. WQA membership is a sound investment. By becoming a member, you gain access to a vast body of industry information, high-quality training programs, the latest tools and tactics, exposure to leading-edge thinking, and opportunities to interact and network with peers around the globe. The WQA Code of Ethics can be found HERE.Marketing Support and Materials
All VESTA dealers will have access to an array of resources via the VESTA Dealers DropBox. You will find aides, including but not limited to branded literature, banners, logos, and product photography, created exclusively to help you market the VESTA product line effectively. You can get the DropBox link from your regional sales manager and information on setting up your DropBox account. You are notified automatically when new resources are added to or modified in the VESTA DropBox.